More Conference Call


Since March 21st , Jeanie and I have been hosting Conference Call Fellowships twice a day, every day of the week, except on Sunday, when we do a 10:30 AM Conference Call Fellowship. We made a commitment to do this to the end of March.

The purpose of these fellowships was to meet the needs of the believers for fellowship due to the mandatory rules of the government telling people they cannot meet together in groups. The above schedule was an aggressive format, but due to many people being home from work and school it turned out to be a wonderful blessing.

As a result of technology, people could call in on a common phone number and listen and be a part of the fellowship that lasted about 30 minutes. We averaged from over 25 to nearly 50 call-ins each time. Believers called in from Hawaii to Boston and from Idaho to Texas and from many states in between. Of course many of the local saints participated by calling in. The teachings were dynamic and specific lasting only 15 minutes. Besides myself and Jeanie, we had Barney and Vikki Barnhart, Jan Magiera, Al Segovia and Jan Booze teach. Many of the teachings are on Facebook and our Website under the Sunday Teachings (Facebook: “Acts Now Fellowship” and Website:


It is on our heart to continue doing these fellowships until Easter where we will evaluate the need to proceed further.

Major Change to Schedule starting April 1st, Wednesday to April 12th, Easter Sunday: There will be only ONE fellowship per day at 7:30 PM, Monday – Saturday. On Sunday there will be a 10:30 AM fellowship. Typically they last for 30 minutes, except for Sunday which will be a little longer. Barney and Vikki Barnhart will host half of the fellowship days and Jeanie and myself the other days. We will host Sunday’s fellowship together.


Conference Call Fellowship: Call 1-605-313-4802

At the prompt for the access code, key in: 401603# The coordinator will mute everyone from his location.

There will be prayer, manifestations, maybe some music, and a short teaching.

Thank you for everyone that has participated already. Jeanie and I are overwhelmed by the positive responses of everyone. We are moving ahead as a body of Christ praying for a quick resolution to Covid19. As we deal with this historic event, we take the opportunity to bless the saints and reach out to others. This way we will stay built up and continue to hold forth the Words of Life.

            1Cor. 15:57: But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

