Much is being said about heroes. What makes heroes? My answer is: A righteous cause and a dedication to make good happen.
Heroes do not have to wear capes, spandex pants and masks to stand out. Their actions speak louder than words.
These virus infested times can bring out the best in people, as well as perhaps the worst. Do people rise above themselves and the challenges to make a difference? I think some do and we are grateful for all heroes that act boldly and courageously.
I believe every believer is a hero. They chose a righteous cause and are dedicated to make not just good but “godly” things happen. They act on their sonship rights and live the love of God, doing acts to bless others.
This is the time for us as God’s ambassadors (II Corinthians 5:20) to step forward and demonstrate the love of God with the power of God. Our action of righteous prayers, encouraging the saints and ministering to others, goes a long way in being effective heroes.
There are many wonderful people in our challenging world that are recognized as heroes, such as, medical staff, first responders, military people, teachers, and safety officers, but do not count yourself out. A born again believer walking in love and in the power of God truly makes “godly” things happen.
You are a hero
Yes, you are someone very special
You were so significant, God called you even before the foundation of the world
You must be important
You cause huge celebrations in Heaven when you win someone to the Lord
Looking into a mirror, there you are, the glory of the Lord
You are so favored
You have a seat in the Heavenlies because you are so unique
You are so awesome that soon the Lord Jesus Christ will return for you forever