This summer and now into the fall, our Wednesday night fellowship has been working the book of Acts. We are on Chapter 20, which deals with insights for a true Christian leader. Paul in verse 17 calls for the “elders” in Ephesus to meet. In Verse 28 he imparts some valuable leadership skills, that anyone who ministers can appreciate.
Acts 20:28: Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.
Here are the valuable perspectives shared by Paul:
- Take heed to yourself. We first must be determined in our own self of our commitment before God as one who serves the Body of Christ. We do the Word and be the examples.
- Shepherd those whom God has given you. God calls you to serve and minister to the flock as a shepherd does his flock. To “feed” is the Greek word for “to shepherd” (poimaino). A good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep. He teaches, protects, prays for, ensuring their safety.
- We never forget the awesome price that was paid for our salvation. The innocent blood of our Lord and Savior was spilled for our salvation. Nothing more valuable has ever been given. We always remember what it cost God to bring us into His family.
There you have it. A guideline for true Christian service. We first get our life on track with God’s Word and then we can shepherd God’s people feeding them the Word of God realizing the awesome price paid for our salvation.