This Thursday, October 31st our doors will be inundated with all kinds of different characters expressing desires for goodies of all sorts.

Exactly 507 years ago, on an October 31st someone approached the church door, but instead of requesting favors, he left a note with 95 points of concern. That one action contributed to perhaps the most significant event in the Christian Church since the finished work of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ – The Christian Reformation

Martin Luther decided to take a stand against the evils of the Roman Catholic Church which dominated the lives of practically every Christian alive at that time in history.

Representatives of the Catholic Pope where collecting money from the believers to pay for loved ones being released from purgatory. Martin Luther decided the truth of God’s Word was more important that the wicked desires of the organized church.

It was his study of the book of Romans that he recognized that it was not man’s works that made him righteous before God, but “…the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference.” (Romans 3:22). He took a bold stand in his time declaring “Solo Scriptura.” [Only Scripture].

“No greater mischief can happen to a Christian People, than to have God’s Word taken from them, or versified [change into another written form like cute poems], so that they no longer have it pure and clear. God grant we and our descendants be not witnesses of such a calamity.” 
                       - Martin Luther

May we in our time declare a reformation replacing Halloween with the joy of giving out Scripture treats!

