by Rev. Bob Lindfelt

A seed contains the very essence of life The promised seed of Christ from God Almighty put into motion the most monumental story of redemption ever told. When a person is born again, God places that perfect, incorruptible, new birth seed of Christ within and it contains all the traits, characteristics and enablements of Christ for us to walk with Him and manifest the power of God.
Recorded December 19, 2010, 28 Minutes

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Walking in Good Works
by Trish Barbera

We are saved by grace, not by works, but we have been created in Christ Jesus to walk in good works. God has prepared those good works for us and He desires that we abound and be fruitful in them. As we do, it will glorify God and bless others. Ephesians 2:10.
Recorded December 5, 2010,  31 Minutes

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Walk as Sons of Light
by Rev. Jan Magiera

We have been rescued from darkness and now walk as children of light. Four characteristics of light are: it enables growth in our lives, it exposes darkness, it illuminates the path we should walk upon, and it is reflective so we can shine on others. We are the lights of the world!
Recorded November 14, 2010,  32 Minutes

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Stepping Out for God
Rev. Bob Lindfelt

Success is obeying God's will for our lives. His Word is the foundation upon which we live and walk. We pray, go to His Word to know His will, and then we step out with obedience and walk with Him.
Recorded November 7, 2010, 28 Minutes

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Nehemiah: A Man of Prayer
by Rev. Jan Magiera

Throughout the account of the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem, we see that Nehemiah earnestly and faithfully prayed to God for direction and help. In the face of relentless opposition, his response was always to go to God in prayer and do as God directed him.
Recorded October 31, 2010, 40 Minutes

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Lay It All Down
by Rev. Barney Barnhart

Psalm 25 and 26 are wonderful records of how David opened his heart to God with honesty, meekness and a great desire to continually dwell in God's presence. He laid down his own thoughts and reactions to his life's situations and went to God in prayer to seek and do His will.
**The beginning of this teaching did not record well and has been spliced to edit out blank parts.
Recorded October 24, 2010, 27 Minutes

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Our Continual Conversation with God
by Michael Barbera

Prayer is not only reaching up to God for specific needs but it's also reaching out to our loving Father to express our thankfulness and praise.
Recorded October 17, 2010, 37 Minutes

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Praying in the Spirit: Speaking in Tongues
by Rev. Bob Lindfelt

Speaking in tongues, as prayer in the spirit according to God's Word, benefits the believer in many ways and blesses our heavenly Father as we give Him perfect praise.
Recorded October 10, 2010, 32 Minutes
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The Lifestyle of Prayer
by Rev. Jan Magiera

God's desire is that we continually open our hearts to Him in prayer. I Thessalonians 5:17 we are encouraged to "pray without ceasing." We can develop a lifestyle of prayer by understanding the nature of prayer, the purpose of prayer, and the power of prayer.
Recorded October 3, 2010, 49 Minutes
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Where Battles are Won
by Trish Barbera

As we set our thoughts on things above rather than on earthly things, and seek to develop our relationship with God, we realize His love for us, grow in our trust toward Him, and walk in the freedom to be what He has made us to be. Our thoughts can bring us to places of victory!
Recorded September 19, 2010, 40 Minutes

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Water the Seed
by Vikki Barnhart

When it comes to prosperity, don't forget about the time after planting the seed to nourish and water it with positive thoughts from God's Word.
Recorded September 12, 2010, 36 Minutes

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Dancing for the Lord
by Rev. Bob Lindfelt

We have such a privilege to be God's children, we should be dancing about it and rejoice with exceeding joy!
Recorded September 5, 2010, 33 Minutes

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Remain Peaceful
by Rev. Barney Barnhart

The storms in life may rage, but we have peace to endure and to remain standing.
Recorded August 29, 2010, 47 Minutes

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Our Shield of Faith
by Jeanie Lindfelt

Along with girding up the loins of our minds, we take the shield of faith, which is to use the name of Jesus Christ to combat ALL the fiery darts of the Evil one.
Recorded August 15, 2010, 34 Minutes

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God is Faithful
by Rev. Jan Magiera

The first piece of the armor of God is the girdle or belt of truth, meaning God's faithfulness to his Word and promises. Putting this on with enable the believer to stand against discouragement, depression and any authoritative words that are contrary to God's. God is faithful!
Recorded August, 8, 2010, 35 Minutes

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"Life is All About Choices"
by Rev. Bob Lindfelt

No greater choice in life is there for any human being than to pick the true and loving God. A born again believer now has the challenge to choose how he is going to live his life. There is a three part solution to help the believer take on this challenge.
Recorded August 1, 2010, 27 Minutes

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"What a Name" Jesus Christ
by Rev. Bob Lindfelt

As sons of God, we have the privilege and legal authority to use the name of Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ is a name that represents love, power, and deliverance beyond what we could ever imagine.
Recorded July 19, 2010, 36 Minutes

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A Love for All Times
by Rev. Barney Barnhart

Transformed by the power of God, we exhibit the qualities of charity and realize even more that "what the world needs now, is love...sweet love".
Recorded July 11, 2010, 32 Minutes

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Behold the Glory of the Lord
by Rev. Jan Magiera

When we look at God's character and love, we become the mirror to shine back his glory and are transformed in the process. Glory, hallelujah!
Recorded June 20, 2010, 38 Minutes

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Covenant Confirmations: In the Old Testament
by Rev. Bob Lindfelt

Covenants were confirmed and the covenant was only as good as the word of whomever made it. God confirmed the new covenant with us by the blood of Jesus Christ and we can totally rely on it.
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Recorded June 13, 2010, 37 Minutes

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Power and Peace in Pentecost
by Rev. Jan Magiera

The wind and fire were symbols of the power of holy spirit and acceptance and peace because of the gift. There were 3 responses that day: mocking, wondering and belief. When about 3,000 people believed, they continued fellowshipping and praising God.
Recorded May 23, 2010, 37 Minutes

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Confusing the Enemy
by Rev. Barney Barnhart

Each and every Christian has a unique tool that when used properly, confuses our enemy, and keeps us peaceful: praise and worship.
Recorded May 16, 2010, 43 Minutes

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Mothers in the Bible / Rest in the Lord

Mothers in the Bible by Rev. Bob Lindfelt
A brief survey of special mothers in the Bible: Sarah, Eunice, Lois, Elizabeth, Mary, and their dedication to God's Word.
Rest in the Lord by Jeanie Lindfelt
In order to seek God first, we must find rest in the spiritual provision God has made for us.
Recorded Mother's Day May 9, 2010 34 Minutes total

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God Cares for Us
by Trish Barbera

God wants us to always cast all of our anxieties, concerns and cares on Him and to never be distressed about anything ever! He cares about the birds of the sky; how much more important are we? We need to seek God first, give all of our burdens to Him and praise Him with thanksgiving!
Recorded May 2, 2010, 39 Minutes

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Jesus Christ Our Complete Savior: He Understands
by Joey Seed

Jesus Christ was tempted in all points as we are, so he understands all of the things that we are confronted with in our lives too.
Recorded April 25, 2010, 36 Minutes

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Jesus Christ Our Complete Foundation
by Rev. Jan Magiera

Christ is the whole foundation stone and the cornerstone and a testing stone. These three views are the summation of how he is the solid rock on which we can stand.
Recorded April 18, 2010, 45 Minutes

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And God is Able
by Todd Stork

God is able to provide all that we need just as he did for the Old Testament
believers such as Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and Daniel.
Recorded April 11, 2010, 40 Minutes

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Jesus Christ our Healer
by Jeanie Lindfelt

Jesus Christ chose to accept his destiny as the deliverer for all mankind.
He is our healer and redeemer.
Recorded March 28, 2010, 38 Minutes

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Green Pastures
by Rev. Barney Barnhart

We must take the time in this hectic world to find peace (lie down in green
pastures) in the presence of God so we can be refreshed and rejuvenated.
Recorded March 21, 2010, 28 Minutes

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Draw Nigh to God
by Katie Jeltema

When we look to God for answers, a great key is to be humble and listen for the answer that God has, and be willing to be obedient to it.
Recorded March 14, 2010, 36 Minutes

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Living Our True Identity in Christ
by Rev. Bob Lindfelt

Because we are identified with Christ, we can realize the tremendous price that was paid on our behalf. Therefore we can manifest victorious lives that will be a glory to God and a witness to others to learn His magnificent Word.
Recorded March 7, 2010, 33 Minutes

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The Transforming Power of Love
by Rev. Barney Barnhart

We are transformed and changed by the renewing of our minds. God is love and has made us his sons because of his love. Because of that, we should love one another and people will know that God dwells in us as we do love each other.
Recorded February 21, 2010, 31 Minutes

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How Not To Be Weary in Well Doing
by Rev. Jan Magiera

In due season we will reap if we fain not. Six keys to implement in our lives in order to establish our hearts and continue until we see deliverance.
Recorded February 14, 2010, 45 Minutes

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The How and Why of the Renewed Mind
by Vikki Barnhart

God's thoughts are higher than our thoughts and when we put them on in our minds, we are transformed. We can deal with situations in the moment by leading every thought captive to Christ (includes skit).
Recorded February 7, 2010, 38 Minutes

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Walk in Newness of Life
by Trish Barbera

Each of us are a new creation in Christ! We can strip off the old way of life, put on the new man, and be transformed by the renewing of our minds.
Recorded January 31, 2010, 41 Minutes

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A New Creation in Christ
by Rev. Bob Lindfelt

We do not have a remodeled version, but a brand new -- kainos -- creation in Christ. That is the reason we can walk in the realm of the miraculous.
Recorded January 24, 2010, 30 Minutes

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Rev. Barney Barnhart

You have what it takes to be God's best: heart and head. We are winners
when we work as a team and the team is more than the sum of the individual
Recorded January 18, 2010, 24 Minutes

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Fishers of Men in 2010,
aka Philip: An example of Faithfulness
by Rev. Jan Magiera

Outreach happens when we say "yes" to God and continue to stay faithful and
obey him. Philip, one of the original 7 deacons, is an example of a faithful
man who over 22 years continued to preach God's Word.
Recorded January 10, 2010, 47 Minutes

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  • SELECT * FROM b8rtz_acym_list WHERE type = 'standard'118μs1.69KB/administrator/components/com_acym/Core/joomla/database.php:36Copy
  • SELECT * FROM b8rtz_acym_field80μs1.69KB/administrator/components/com_acym/Core/joomla/database.php:36Copy
  • SELECT * FROM b8rtz_acym_form WHERE active = 1 AND type != 'shortcode'76μs912B/administrator/components/com_acym/Core/joomla/database.php:36Copy
  • SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN `a`.`next_execution` <= :now THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS due_count,SUM(CASE WHEN `a`.`locked` IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS locked_count FROM `b8rtz_scheduler_tasks` AS `a` WHERE `a`.`state` = 1115μs1.37KBParams/administrator/components/com_scheduler/src/Model/TasksModel.php:517Copy
  • SELECT `value` FROM b8rtz_acym_configuration WHERE `name` LIKE "%regacy" OR `name` LIKE "%\_sub"213μs536B/plugins/system/acymtriggers/acymtriggers.php:434Copy
  • SELECT `session_id` FROM `b8rtz_session` WHERE `session_id` = ?124μs3.5KBParams/libraries/vendor/joomla/session/src/Handler/DatabaseHandler.php:291Copy
  • UPDATE `b8rtz_session` SET `data` = ? , `time` = ? WHERE `session_id` = ?150μs592BParams/libraries/vendor/joomla/session/src/Handler/DatabaseHandler.php:318Copy