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Let's Talk About Love
by Vikki Barnhart

Love is the greatest thing we've received from God and our Lord Jesus Christ and it's the greatest thing we can give one another. I Corinthians 13:13... "So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love."
Recorded October 26, 35 Minutes

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Hope Always
by Rev. Bob Lindfelt

We always have the hope of Christ's return and can rely on that assurance all the time with no doubts.
Recorded October 12, 17 Minutes

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Wait on the Lord
by Rev. Barney Barnhart

To wait means to stand together with our hearts entwined with God and each other (Isaiah 40:31).
Recorded October 12, 19 Minutes

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Stew Less, Pray More
by Rev. Jan Magiera

We should not put all our problems and trials in a big "stew pot" and simmer them endlessly. But we can "count it all joy" when we realize that with stewing less and praying more, there is joy in being united with God in His presence where He shows us the answers and solutions to the trials. We continue to ask, seek and knock and "seek the shepherding of the strong one." The teaching includes a handout of the Aramaic word pictures for prayer and joy.
Recorded September 21, 2014, 34 Minutes

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Rest from the Burdens We Bear
by Rev. Barney Barnhart

As God leads, we can assist others in "carrying their burdens" (Gal. 6:2) to relieve some of the weight they are feeling. Our personal "burdens" (Gal.6:5) are those responsibilities God has entrusted us with and in which we find true purpose and fulfillment.
Recorded August 25, 2014, 43 Minutes

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Coffee with God
by Andrew McGarry

Entering into the secret place of communion with God changes our lives. Having a cup of coffee in the morning dwelling in God's presence helps us to seek God's will for us today and to set aside our own preconceived ideas of what is important to do. What we do with God in our alone time will follow through with benefits in all we do.
Recorded August 10, 2014, 39 Minutes

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God is...You are...Let Go
by Katie Jeltema

There is an alternative to dealing with fear other than fight or flight. We can focus on who God is and what He gave to us as His sons and daughters. Then we can let go of the fears knowing God is faithful to help us overcome them.
Recorded July 27, 2014, 30 Minutes

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Trust -- Antidote to Stress
By Rev. Jan Magiera

There are two natural tendencies to do when we are under stress of any kind: either flee or become angry or frustrated. Two Hebrew words for trust explain a pattern of deliverance to be able to go "inside the surrounding fence" of God's care.
Recorded July 13, 2014, 36 Minutes
Handout: Trust.pdf

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Pentecost: A Whole New Ball Game
by Rev. Bob Lindfelt

What happend on Pentecost some 2,000 years ago was most significant. God totally changed how He related to people and He also invented a new dynamic way to pray. Before Pentecost the only man to go before God was the high priest and that was only once a year. Now the One Body of Christ commenced on the Day of Pentecost where people who are born again began to have God in them. Speaking in tongues was first introduced on the Day of Pentecost. This was God's special prayer that His children could operate and pray directly to the Father. Pentecost truly started a whole new ballgame.
Recorded June 8, 2014, 30 Minutes

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Virtuous Women
by Vicki Barnhart

Listening to God and simple obedience by mother's in the Bible had a dramatic influence in preserving the Christ line.
Recorded May 11, 2014,  46 Minutes

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Prohecies Fulfilled: He Is Risen
By Rev. Jan Magiera, Rev. Bob Lindfelt, and Rev. Barney Barnhart

God foretold through the prophets many things about the Messiah to come, starting in Genesis 3. He knows the end from the beginning and when something is revealed, it WILL come to pass! The sufferings of Christ culminated in the victory of the resurrection. We now have eternal life and justification and complete access to God along with our brother Jesus Christ.
Recorded April 20, 2014, 45 Minutes

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Download Handout of phrophesies fulfilled.
Listen to the song "Worthy is the Lamb"

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Looking Good to God
By Rev. Bob Lindfelt

It is remarkable to see how the Heavenly Father designed the Old Testament to parallel the exact and perfect work of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. One amazing aspect of His redeeming work was that he was the perfect sacrifice without blemish. We, as born again sons, fully and completely identify with Christ. God sees us perfect and without defects like He sees Jesus Christ. As a result we can walk in "newness of life" exercising the power of God in our life.
Recorded March 30th, 32 Minutes

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Grace and Walking by the Spirit of God
By Rev. Ken Petty

February 22 - 23, 2014

Session 1 - 57 Minutes

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Session 2 - 51 Minutes

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Session 3 - 74 Minutes

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Session 4 - 73 Minutes

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Download Syllabus (pdf)

 Continue in Prayer
by Rev. Jan Magiera

Colossians 4:2 encourages us to "devote ourselves to prayer" or continue in it. Three aspects are covered in this teaching: waiting in silence, hearing and turning our thoughts to others. There is also group participation.

Recorded February 9, 2014, 37 minutes

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