Two words that are not found in the Believer's Dictionary: impossible and unbelievable.
Impossible is a word people of faith have no respect for because our faith (believing) is what makes everything that seems impossible possible.
When we say it is impossible, we rule out God because all things are possible to him that believes!!! (Mark 9:23)
We can't say that's unbelievable, we rule out our identity as Believers and God's Word says all things are possible to them that believe!!! We are Believers, therefore we believe! 
The Bible is filled with people who faced impossible situations that became possible!  How did they do it, "but God". (Luke 18:27, Eph. 2:4)  Faith and trust in our loving, powerful, trustworthy Heavenly Father, for whom it is impossible to lie, has a plan for each of us to be victorious and more than conquerors in every situation.