Are you looking for a practical way to make the scriptures more living and real? What do YOU say to yourself about yourself? Does your loneliness, discouragement, anger, guilt or possibly your finances or marriage dictate to you what you say to yourself about yourself?
If you want to change the way you are thinking and the things you are saying, then you are at the right place.  In this sharing you will be shown HOW to implement a way to boldly begin making personalized confessions and declarations about yourself that are in agreement with what God's Word says.
The Bible says in Proverbs 4:23, that "out of the heart proceed the issues of life" so logically then, it is in our best interest to take the necessary steps to get our hearts in alignment with what the scriptures say. We can do this by learning how to make personalized confessions and declarations about ourselves that are in agreement with God's Word. In doing so we will bring strength and vitality to the inner man which inevitably will cause wonderful godly fruit to be produced. 
If you are seeking a simple way to appropriate the promises of God, listen to some practical steps today -- take your spiritual vitamins! You'll be so blessed you did.
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