Do you ever get in a stressful situation and it feels like you are caught in a vise grip? Kind of like you feel such overwhelming pressure that you can’t think or concentrate about anything else but the problems. Sounds like exactly what David was feeling and experiencing in I Sam. 30. The problem was binding him. In fact, in Hebrew, part of the word means to berate yourself for not living up to an impossible standard. David was feeling like he had let his friends and his followers down. Why? Because he had this impossible standard and now it was all collapsing on him.
So, what’s a person to do? What would you do? How do we handle things when we are feeling the pressure? Withdraw? Play the blame game? Cry out to God? Complain? Have a drink? Call your mother?
Interestingly enough in this case, David didn’t do any of the things I mentioned. According to I Sam 30:6, he “encouraged himself in the Lord.”
Psalm 62:5-7 NKJV
5 My soul, wait silently for God alone,
For my expectation is from Him.
6 He only is my rock and my salvation;
He is my defense;
I shall not be moved.
7 In God is my salvation and my glory;
The rock of my strength,
And my refuge, is in God.
What is it to be DISCOURAGED?
It is to be separated from and torn apart from hope, resulting in feeling like a victim and losing vision. At that point we become deprived of strength and confidence.
If I become discouraged because of a certain situation or circumstance and let certain emotions and/or feelings be my ruler, then my confidence and strength are lost. It is only when I regain the proper perspective, that my strength and confidence (my courage) returns and I am able to move forward again in a positive way.
So what is COURAGE?
We want to be ENCOURAGERS, inspiring and giving hope; leading others to connect and rely upon God, for He is the one who gives us the courage and strength to move forward with confidence.