The first lie is, "Ye shall not surely die."
Death is not crossing the bar or passing to the other side. Death is the
absence of life. Dead is dead as a rock.
If you die and go to heaven, or hell, or purgatory, you're not dead.
You're alive in one of those places.
The dead praise not the Lord.
The dead know not any thing.
They have no memory, no love, no hatred, no envy,
nor do they have anything to do with anything that is done under the sun.
There is no work, or device, or knowledge, or wisdom, in the grave.
Resurrection is the solution for death, not "die and go to heaven."
The raising of Lazarus proves that God is fully able to raise from the
dead even those who have corrupted or been cremated.
Not even David is ascended into the heavens.
Resurrection is part of the foundation.
Everyone including everyone will be raised from the dead, some to
everlasting life and some to die the second death.
What do we say to someone whose loved one has died? Christ is coming back!