Making a list of what you are thankful for, once a day for 21 days (or once a week for 21 weeks) can make a big difference in your life.
In follow-up studies they found that these who kept these “gratitude journals” were reaping benefits six months later after they stopped.
WHY should I develop a mindset of thankfulness?
-God told you to! (I Thessalonians 5:18)
If obedience to God is not enough of a reason to be thankful consider this:
Researchers say a mindset of gratitude initiates an upward spiral of positive emotions. It also improves mental health, relationship satisfaction, and in some cases, physical well being. They say counting your blessings may provide a built-in coping strategy.
WHY go to the trouble of writing down a list?
1. When you write down what you are thankful for you are forced to slow down, consciously reflect; contemplate what you are thanking God for.
2. The act of writing helps you integrate thankfulness into your thinking patterns
3. Once you write one thing down you are thankful for, then another often pops into your mind.
4. You can refer back to the list later as some positive reminders.
5. As you write out a list, considering all the reasons you are so grateful, at times joy is the immediate result.