I think I can honestly say, I enjoy winning. I have played many sports over the years and although I was never a part of a team that won any championships of note, the thrill of victory no matter how small, was always a highlight.
Does your heart thrill or is it stirred when you watch the Olympics? Or how about a great singer? Maybe there is another activity or pursuit that when you see someone excel at it, whatever they are doing, it does something to you? At times it has become an emotional experience for me because I guess I identify with the individual(s) and share in their victory or accomplishment. Can you relate?
Defeat is never fun and after having lived several years on this planet, I can testify to that. When I compare myself to those with notable accomplishments, I could and have found myself with guilt, condemnation and with feelings of unworthiness. But then I am reminded of this.
Romans 5:17 King James Version
17 For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)
Does this sound like winning to you? It certainly does to me too!
So, whether we are in the first quarter of our journey or in the final quarter, the outlook is very, very bright! We can learn from the mistakes or defeats we have encountered and not allow those “events” to define us or anyone. There is always hope.