Loving God with our whole heart, soul, mind and strength is a lifetime pursuit.  It doesn’t come overnight.  It starts with developing a relationship with our Heavenly Father who is love and His son our lord Jesus Christ.  We love because He first loved us.

We are not to love God with only part of ourselves, but are to measure every thought, emotion, feeling, word, and action in light of our desire to please and honor Him.

Our hearts must be set only on what delights His heart. Our minds must be anchored only to His word as the final authority. Our souls must be satisfied only with what pleases Him. Our strength must be spent on what serves Him alone.

What does a wholehearted love for God look like? Here are four practical ways of loving God.

We love God with all our heart when we love Him exclusively, Him and Him alone.

We love God with all our soul when we find our satisfaction in Him more than any other person or thing.

We love God with all our mind when we make decisions to obey His every Word.

We love God with all our strength when we persevere in the face of every trial with the spirit of Christ within.

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