The word 'orientalism' refers to passages in the Bible that are descriptive of Eastern culture. Those of us from Western cultures (Europe and the Americas), may not understand these passages, or even misinterpret them because we don't understand the culture of the times in the Bible.

Our goal is found in II Timothy 2:15, where it saya that "ALL scripture is given by inspiration of God (God-breathed)." Therefore, we want to…"Study to show thyself approved unto God a workman, that needs not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth."  We want to be workmen and women rightly cutting the Word.
I have chosen 2 sections of scripture that have misunderstood the character of two wonderful women in the Old and New Testaments because of the meaning of words and cultural differences.  They are Rahab, the harlot and the Samaritan woman at the well.
1 jesus and samaritan woman well