Love is not something that can be taken by force; it can only be given freely and graciously received.

So often in the Bible we are reminded of how much we are loved.  It kind of happens axiomatically, that as we reflect and realize and understand just how much, we are faced with ample opportunities to pour love into someone else’s life. Do you see them when they show up?

Love (shown by thoughtful acts of giving) is a never ending well that continues to produce a great tasting, healthy and refreshing remedy for life’s ailments.  I have never heard of anyone ever saying that there were being “loved too much.”

Could it be that we need a huge mainline dose of love?  Love heals, love covers with silence and love soothes and heals the broken heart. 

It is one of the most sought after yet elusive things in our universe.  The hardness and misconceptions of love that we have learned from birth by teaching or experience have skewed the viewpoint of many so that the answer to the very thing we struggle to receive is left like the proverbial “dangling carrot.” 

There is a wonderful solution to this age-old dilemma and that is in getting to know the author of love, who is love himself. God is not just loving, He is love.  It is not something He does it is who He is.  It is not a religious act to talk to God it is the response to the cry of our hearts to know Him. 

If we will take a moment, we will find that it is in those quiet times of reflection in our secret place that we meet with the greatest love and our greatest lover.  

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