This study, like Parts 1 and 2, exposes a major lie that the devil has deceived Christians into believing.  This study is an overview of the subject.  Many more verses relate to this subject than could be presented in the 40 minutes of this teaching.

The religious lie was not known in Old Testament times.  Nor was it known in New Testament times, in the first century church.  Yet today, most Christians think you can't be Christian if you don't believe it. Perhaps they believe that because they were taught that at a young age or when they first became Christian.

God will not get on your case if you believe the religious lie.  But remember, the Bible is the authority, not our thoughts, opinions, beliefs, or emotions.

I call this the religious lie because it is believed without evidence and by squeezing several scriptures, which the proponents of this lie have used as proof texts.  A proof text is a verse or verses taken out of context and squeezed to mean something that passage was never intended to mean.  It's usually used to "prove" a false doctrine.  It can never take the place of a serious study of the Word.

This lie is so entrenched in most Christian's thinking that they can neither question it nor research it.  It is just assumed without proof or discussion.

To discover what God means by a certain thing, one must study all the verses that mention or refer to that thing; and one must study them in context.

Many, many verses show the religious lie to be false.

God will not reject you or get on your case if you believe the religious lie, or any lie, for that matter.  After all, He loved you and saved you when you were His enemy.  Do you really think He'll condemn you now that you're His son or daughter?  But you will have a fuller life and a better relationship with God if you believe the truth that's found in His written Word.

If all Christians spoke of God and Jesus Christ using only terms found in the Bible, most doctrinal differences would disappear.

It is important to believe what Christ said about himself, about his Father, and about us.
