The Art of True Giving
by Rev. Bob Lindfelt

True giving needs to have love as the primary motivation -- God and his son Jesus Christ are the primary examples of cheerful giving. Then bountiful giving is exemplified in a life of thankfulness.
Recorded December 20, 2009, 38 Minutes

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Standing in the Gap
by Rev. Jan Magiera

We have the authority to intercede for each other because of what Christ has done for us.  There are 3 keys to intercession:  we can stand in the gap and pray for each other in the name of Jesus Christ, then we need to build up the wall and restore each other with the Word, then also watch.
Recorded December 13, 2009, 42 Minutes

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Our Place of Rest
by Rev. Warren Barnhart

When we go to the "secret place of the Most High" it should be a place where
we find rest and fellowship with God, and protection by his grace.
Recorded December 6, 2009, 35 Minutes

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Living in Grace
by Vikki Barnhart

A new definition of grace: "divine intervention in our heart and its influence in our lives". Living in grace means being meek to God working in our hearts
Recorded: November 22, 2009, 47 Minutes

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Fellowship is the Secret
by Michael Barbara

The secret place of fellowship with God is where we will find answers to our questions, as well as two-way conversation.
Recorded November 15, 2009, 34 Minutes

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Let the Captives Free
by Jeanie Lindfelt

A study on Luke 4:18, showing how this ministry of healing of Jesus Christ is now ours.
Recorded November 1, 2009, 32 Minutes

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Our Secret Place
by Rev. Warren Barnhart

Recorded October 25, 2009, 36 Minutes

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Seek God with Your Whole Heart
by Trish Barbera

Recorded October 18, 2009, 42 Minutes

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Comfort One Another With These Words . . .
by Rev. Jan Magiera

The hope is taught and what it does for us in our hearts. The hope enables us to love more and continue the fight. It enables us to deal with grief and missing our loved ones.
Recorded October 11, 2009, 22 Minutes

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The Power of The Tongue
by Rev. Bob Lindfelt

Recorded October 4, 2009, 32 Minutes

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Our Access to God
by Ken Fonda

"Our Access to God" teaches how we can boldly and confidently have access to God by the full payment Jesus made for our sin through the offering of his own blood. When we believe and accept the full reality of this we are loosed from the bondage of sin consciousness and can have confidence in God as our loving heavenly father.
Recorded September 20, 2009, 29 Minutes

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Praise Before Victory
be Rev. Jan Magiera

The significance of praise in prayer and prior to victory is covered. Jehoshaphat is King of Judah and one that walked with God, how he handles adversity is recorded in II Chronicles 20.
Recorded September 13, 2009, 43 Minutes

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Courage to Forgive
Rev. Warren Barnhart

Recorded September 6, 2009, 49 Minutes

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Teach Us To Pray
Rev. Jan Magiera

Recorded August 23,2009, 45 Minutes

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Intercessory Prayer
by Rev. Warren Barnhart

Recorded August 16, 2009, 41 Minutes

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Walking In God's Glory
by Rev. Bob Lindfelt

Recorded August 9, 2009, 43 Minutes

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Living in Amazing Grace
by Rev. Houk Hitchcock

Recorded July 26, 2009, 25 Minutes

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Sit Walk Stand
by Rev. Jan Magiera

Recorded July 19, 2009, 51 Minutes

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Words of Your Heart
by Rachel Barbera & Grace Davis

Recorded July 5, 2009, 26 Minutes

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Ministry of Healing
by Rev. Jan Magiera

Recorded June 21, 2009, 53 Minutes

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The Great Shepherd
by Stephen Jeltema

Recorded June 7, 2009, 48 Minutes

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God's Word Is The Greatest Turn On
by Rev. Bob Lindfelt

What motivates you to do what you want to do? There are many earthly pursuits that motivate us but Bob covers five turn-ons from the Word of God.
Recorded April 26, 2009 37 Minutes

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Claiming Our Victory
by Mike Barbera

Recorded May 24, 2009, 39 Minutes

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Overcoming Discouragement
by Rev. Warren Barnhart

Recorded May 17, 2009, 51 Minutes

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Citizens of Heaven
by Rev. Jan Magiera

Citizenship, what does that mean? We actually have dual citizenship, not only of the country we are born in or accepted into but also citizens of heaven. Jan describes the significance and privileges of citizenship.
Recorded May 10, 2009, 40 Minutes

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Shine As Lights
by Trish Barbera

Recorded May 3, 2009, 40 Minutes

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Freely Giving and Receiving in the Body of Christ
by Rachel Barbera

Recorded April 19, 2009, 32 Minutes

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Eli Eli Lmana Shabachtani
by Rev. Jan Magiera

Why are the words in Aramaic left in the text when Jesus Christ was on the cross? This teaching is a new and different explanation of the phrase, Eli Eli Lmana Shabachtani. It was an acknowledgement that the mighty El would come and strengthen Jesus to finish all that was necessary for our salvation.
Recorded April 10, 2009, 51 Minutes

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Obedience and the Fear of God
by Rev. Bob Lindfelt

" I hope, I trust that by the end of this sharing you will have a great desire to obey the Words of God, and that you will understand that the fear of God is a great reverence, a great awe that you would just sow in your hearts, a great respect for God so that you can continue to learn and grow and see the power of God manifested in your life."
Recorded March 22, 2009, 42 Minutes

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Growing Up In Him
by Rev. Jan Magiera

We are told in Ephesians to no longer be children and influenced by the world but grow up in Christ. Rev. Magiera outlines the elements necessary in our lives to grow up spiritually in Christ and bare fruit.
Recorded March 15, 2009, 53 Minutes

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Freedom From Slavery
by Rev. Warren Barnhart

Without spirit we are slaves, bound in captivity and without the ability to communicate with God. Now we are free. We were once prisoners and slaves, once captivated by the lesser things of this natural world. So, why us, and to what end?
Christian's Declaration of Independence referenced in teaching.
Recorded March 8th, 2009, 38 Minutes

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Praise The Lord
by Jeanie Lindfelt

What it is to praise the Lord, it's benefit and examples from the Word.
Recorded March 1, 2009, 33 Minutes

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Do You Realllly . . .
by Vikki Barnhart

Do you really trust God? It is easy when there is no pressure. What about when the pressure is on? There is a way to absolutely trust God at all times.
Recorded February 22, 2009, 40 Minutes

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The Hope, Our Lasting Motivation
by Shelley Stork

Do you ever get tired, burned out, fatigued? God knew this and provided the motivation and comfort to continue. The pressures of this world are only alleviated when we believe His Word.
Recorded February 15, 2009, 23 Minutes

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The Hope, The Anchor of the Soul
by Todd Stork

How far away is the return of Christ? How does an anchor work?
Recorded February 15, 2009, 26 Minutes

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Be A Visionary
by Bob Lindfelt

There are several examples of visionaries in the Word. We can be a visionary also. Why would we want to be a visionary? What does it take to be a visionary? What has God supplied?
Recorded February 8, 2009, 38 Minutes

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Abraham and The Hope
by Rev. Bob Lindfelt

Recorded january 25, 2009, 34 Minutes

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No Going Back
by Rev. Warren Barnhart

We have the victory through the Lord Jesus Christ. The question then becomes; what do we do with it? How do we put it into practice in a dynamic way so that it is having a positive effect on the world in which we live?
Recorded January 18th, 2009, 37 Minutes

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Oracle Weekend Sharing

Recorded January 2009, 34 Minutes total

Antion Hough

Jaques Gladden Download
Ken Fonda Download
Mike McNair Download
Vikki Barnhart Download

Archived Teachings: 2008 2007 2006 2005


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